Read the issue:
No. 28, June 2019  

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№ 28, июнь 2019

Table of Contests                   


  Ageyev Nikolay


Usova Valeriya


 Read the Article: 

On the Issue of Physical and Mental Violence as a Method of Committing a Crime

  In the age of availability of information sources, unimpeded movement of information flows, including negative content, the probability of committing crimes is facilitated by influencing the state of mind of a person in the absence of a real contact. Psychological safety of people is put at risk, therefore, the issue of mental violence against people, informational influence on them requires increased attention, including as a way to commit a crime. To prevent mental violence, the authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to take measures to create an atmosphere of intolerance towards mental violence in social institutions, to organize public monitoring, and to create psychological support groups for victims and groups to work with aggressors.


Key Words: mental violence, crime, psyche.




Akulshina Kseniya


Isayeva Marina


Read the Article: 

Some Criminal and Legal Aspects of the Characteristics of the Registration of Illegal Real Estate Transactions


The value of land as an immovable property involved in the civil turnover emphasizes the need for its criminal law protection against criminal encroachments of owners and other subjects of land relations. Under current conditions, there is a need to strengthen criminal law measures to protect land relations by criminalizing certain actions and omissions that are associated with illegal transactions with land, land plots and parts of land plots. According to the authors, it is necessary to consolidate a more detailed description of objective evidence of a crime committed in the form of deliberate understating of the cadastral value of real estate objects and registration of knowingly illegal real estate transactions in order to establish criminal liability for one-time actions to underpay for land and register an illegal transaction.   



Key words: : land, land plot, criminal prosecution, corpus delicti.






Borodinova Olga


Yembulayeva Lyudmila


Read the Article:

Biomedical Ethics in Veterinary Medicine: Philosophical Aspects

  Veterinarians in their work constantly solve issues related to the system of relations: between a doctor and an animal, a doctor and an owner of an animal, a doctor and a fellow doctor. Each physician has his own personal attitude to the problem of life and death. Moreover, nowadays a new ethic of animals, which demands a fundamentally new attitude towards animals, is making its way. The paper discloses the definition of bioethics, biomedical ethics, animal ethics, deontology. It also highlights the main models of medical ethics that help to see the transformation of moral principles in medicine associated with the change of society. Attention is paid to the development of medicine, the activities of veterinarians and the humanity of their actions. The basic principles underlying bioethics are investigated. The necessity of bioethics as an academic discipline is grounded.


Key words: biomedical ethics, veterinary medicine, animal ethics, medicine, doctor.





Danilova Marina


Ovchinnikova Yuliya


Read the Article: 

The Philosophy of a Healthy Lifestyle

The problem of a healthy lifestyle has always been relevant. Recently, one can observe a certain fashion for such a lifestyle, its active propaganda, and a focus on taking care of yourself and your physical condition. Health, not only physical, but also spiritual, is considered as a characteristic of a person, successful in all spheres. However, with the existing fashion, there are still people with opposite settings. This article describes the contradictions between the understanding of the positive impact of a healthy image and the lack of motivation for its management, possible solutions to this problem with the help of the education system, the institution of the family, social networks, and the media. Examples of limiting beliefs and motivation to search for alternative solutions are given   



Key words: healthy lifestyle, philosophy, fashion, social networks, media, influence, physical and spiritual health






Dontsova Anna


Stepanova Kristina


 Read the Article: 

Woman as a Special Subject of Crime in Criminal Law

  Today there is a great need to study crime among women, as the antisocial actions of women have devastating impact on the younger generation and on society as a whole. This article deals with such a subject of criminal law relations as a woman, the theoretical and historical aspect of their crimes, and the reasons for the growth of female crime. The authors discuss this topic relying on the opinions of different authors, historians, and jurists. The purpose of the article is to consider the main aspects related to the concept of a special subject of the crime. Various points of view concerning the definition of the concept of a special subject of a crime and the signs characterizing the special subject of a crime are analysed. The authors also examine the features of a woman as a special subject of a crime on a Special Part of the Criminal Code of Russia.


Key Words: special subject, criminal liability, signs of the subject, criminology, antisocial behaviour.




Yembulayeva Lyudmila


Kozukharenko Oksana


Niyongabo, Herm´en


Pankratova Alina


Read the Article: 

Blood as Life: Philosophical and Medical Aspects


The article discusses the phenomenon of blood through the prism of medicine, physiology, philosophy and culture. The definition of blood from a medical, physiological point of view is given. Investigated the understanding of blood on the basis of religious, philosophical, cultural principles. The structure and functions of blood, the sociocultural meaning of blood in various historical strata and traditions, including mythology and religion, are analyzed. The importance of blood in the political sphere, namely for the legalization and legitimation of power, the inheritance of state power in monarchist states has been determined. The question of the value of blood in various religions: Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam. It is concluded that it is necessary to consider and study blood not only in the medical aspect, but also in conjunction with its philosophical and cultural understanding.   



Key words: blood, soul, life, death, religion, culture, fluid of life, physicality, health, illness.






Zhuchkova  Anastasiya


Read the Article:

Organizational Contract in Russian Civil Law

  The article deals with the organizational agreement on Russian civil law, the characteristic of the current theoretical concepts regarding the contract, in accordance with the law, the individual agreements containing the features of the organizational contract are specified. The judicial practice and the trend of the legislator to the recognition of the organizational contract are investigated. The ambiguous approach of theorists to the problem is specified, it is revealed that at the moment there is no generally accepted clear definition, opinions of scientists are divided; the question of the legal nature of the organizational contract is debatable. It is revealed that the law enforcement agent actively uses the specified concept in judicial acts, and the legislator goes on the way of inclusion in the law of the separate contracts containing signs of organizational. It is concluded that this agreement is firmly entrenched in the domestic legal reality and further research on the problem is needed.


Key words: organizational contract, organizational relations, preliminary agreement, option agreement.




Zabolotnov Aleksandr


Medvedev Sergey


Read the Article: 

Features of Qualification of the Crimes Connected With Arousing Hatred or Hostility, and Abasement of Human Dignity

In the present article the authors consider the topical issues connected with qualification of the crimes relating to arousing hatred or hostility, and abasement of human dignity by the analysis of the modern legislation and norms of criminal law. The authors analyse the importance of fragmentary decriminalization of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and also legal requirement in purpose of administrative responsibility for illegal acts by the person who was earlier not made responsible for similar offense. The authors also discuss a debatable question of addition of pre-judiction in other articles of Chapter 29 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (crimes against bases of the constitutional system and safety of the state), in particular in Article 280. In conclusion, the authors sum up the short result of the done work connected with consideration of topical issues of feature of qualification of the crimes connected with arousing hatred or hostility, and abasement of human dignity.   



Key words: extremism, extremist activity, hatred, hostility, human dignity, crimes of extremist nature.





 Zabolotskiy Fedor


Medvedev Sergey


Read the Article:

Mortal Penalty in Russia: Arguments for and Against

  In view of the rising crime rate, the question of the abolition of the death penalty moratorium is particularly acute in modern Russia. The death penalty is established as an exceptional measure of punishment for especially grave crimes against life when the accused person is granted the right to a jury trial of his case. The legal establishment of a moratorium on the death penalty should be considered from the moment when the Constitutional Court adopted Resolution No. 3-P, which prohibited the use of the death penalty until jury trials took place throughout Russia. The authors note the economic and social need for the introduction of the death penalty as a measure of punishment and for expanding the range of articles of criminal law, providing for the death penalty.


Key words: death penalty, moratorium, punishment, Council of Europe, right to life




Ivanchenko Ivan


Read the Article:

Administrative Pre-judice in Criminal Law

The article deals with the administrative prejudice as a specific legal structure. The positive and negative aspects of administrative prejudice are touched upon. Historical, scientific, and political reasons for the introduction of this design in the criminal code are given. Different opinions of scientists on administrative prejudice are indicated. Some practical and theoretical problems of the considered design are highlighted. The correlation of some components of administrative prejudice with the principles of criminal law is given. In addition, the importance of the offender in crimes with prejudice is highlighted, its effectiveness in the fight against crime is emphasized. The relationship between the production of administrative and criminal proceedings against administrative collateral estoppel. The experience of foreign countries in the field of criminal and administrative regulation associated with prejudice is given. Also, there are some factors that require attention when deciding on the introduction or exclusion of administrative prejudice in the criminal code.   



Key words: prejudice, criminal law, administrative offense, criminal offense, criminal personality, repeatability





Ismailov Shamil


Read the Article:

Problems of Legal Regulation of Foreign Trade Barter Transactions

  An important tool for regulating international commercial activities based on barter is currently countertrade. Commodity exchange transactions, in which foreign trade deals occupy a central place, contribute to the development of economic cooperation between countries, the stabilization and streamlining of international payments. Countertrade allows you to increase trade and the number of export operations. In the Russian legislation the concept of a foreign trade barter deal is formulated. However, this definition does not reveal the essential features of this category of transactions. There is also no classification of foreign trade barter transactions in the law. As a result, difficulties in the legal regulation of these relations cannot but influence the practice of concluding and executing foreign trade barter contracts


Key words: international agreement, foreign trade, foreign trade barter contract, international commercial contracts, international sale of goods.




Korotchenko Alina


Maslennikova Lyudmila


Read the Article:

The Role of the Notary in Various Bankruptcy Procedures

This article considers topical issues related to the participation of notaries in the relations of insolvency (bankruptcy). The provisions of the Federal Law On Insolvency (Bankruptcy) regulating the powers of a notary in various bankruptcy procedures are analyzed. The role of the notary is determined, which is not limited only to ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities by performing notarial acts provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, on behalf of the state, which determine the procedure for notaries when assisting the debtor in performing certain mandatory actions. The participation of a notary when entering information about bankruptcy in the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information is considered. The authors analysed the distinctive features of the consideration of a bankruptcy case of a citizen in the event of his death.   



Key words: bankruptcy proceedings, insolvency, bankruptcy law, notary, notary, notary law.





Lyubushina Yekaterina


Read the Article:

Methodological Recommendations in the Survey of Metro-Construction Objects Within the Framework of Judicial Construction Technical Examination

  In recent years, the construction industry has been actively developing in Moscow. Investments in various construction programs are constantly growing, one of which is the development program of the city’s transport system. The main focus of this program is the development of the metro. At the same time, information about missed deadlines for commissioning new stations, accidents due to unfair work of contractors, and inefficient use of funds invested in the construction of the metro penetrates the media from time to time. In some cases, disputes can reach court proceedings, and then there is a need for construction and technical expertise, which is designed to clarify the situation. In surveying metro facilities, the most difficult to study may be arrays of fixed soils, since most often they are located behind the lining of tunnels. In the course of construction control, acceptance of works on soil consolidation consists in checking compliance with the requirements of the draft of the dimensions of the array and the characteristics of the fixed soil. The quality of the consolidation of the soil mass is checked by drilling wells and drilling holes with the selection of monoliths for laboratory tests, as well as by electric logging and sounding methods


Key Words: methodical recommendations, field studies, instrumental methods, nondestructive methods.



 Medvedev Sergey


Morozova Regina


Read the Article: 

Peculiarities of the Institution of Complicity in Russian Criminal Law

The institution of complicity in a crime has always been particularly difficult for legal regulation, since it always applies the provisions of the criminal law differently. In addition, the directions of the criminal policy of the Russian Federation have a special impact on the legal regulation of this institution, since here we are talking about combating organized crime, which is a priority for our state. Therefore, the peculiarities of the political, social and criminological situation in the country affect the legal regulation of the criminal responsibility of crimes committed in complicity. This necessitates a new approach to the study of this problem, the revision of already established theories, the development of new views in understanding the essence and signs of complicity   



Key words: complicity, criminal responsibility, criminal policy, performer, intent, accessory theory, individual responsibility.






Medvedev Sergey


Saakyan Mariya


 Read the Article: 

Problems of Legal Regulation of Mediation in Bribery

  The article is aimed at a detailed study of Article 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation called Intermediation in Bribery and at identifying incorrect formulations. The paper speaks about the expediency of introducing Article 291.1 into the Criminal Code.Given the general characteristics of the mediator, as a third party. It touches upon the historical aspect of bribery mediation, as well as its current legal framework. The qualification of this crime is being studied. It is noted that responsibility under this article comes when a crime is committed in a significant amount. The conditions for exemption from criminal liability under Article 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are considered. The characteristic is a promise or offer of mediation in bribery. Attention is paid to penalties for mediating bribery. The article also makes proposals for the modernization of legislation in terms of mediation in bribery.


Key Words: mediation in bribery, criminal liability, giving a bribe, taking a bribe, mediator.




 Medvedev Sergey


Topchiyeva Svetlana


Read the Article: 

Criminal and Legal Meaning of Extreme Necessity


This article explains the concept of extreme necessity. In their study, the authors conclude that the conditions characterizing the most urgent need include the following: the danger must threaten the interests of the state, public interests, the individual, human rights, or other citizens; danger must be present and present. At the same time, the conditions for the legality of actions to eliminate imminent danger are the impossibility of avoiding danger under these conditions, and also that the damage caused to the interests of legally protected third parties should be less important than the damage prevented   



Key words: extreme necessity, legality, imminent danger, causing harm.






  Medvedev Sergey


Yurchenko Yelena


 Read the Article: 

Problems of Qualification and Delimitation of Intentional Infliction of Grievous Bodily Harm From Related Offences

  This article deals with issues that arise when qualifying crimes under Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, errors that most often occur to law enforcers are analyzed. An important point is the individualizing signs that help to properly distinguish between the deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm and related crimes. For a more convincing vision of the delimitation of this crime, judicial practice is used, on the basis of which the circumstances are revealed that contribute to the disclosure of the characteristics of a criminal act. This topic is very relevant, because the type of crime in question is very common in practice, and due to constant changes in the law, incidents of law arise. Also proposed a new rule that would contribute to the elimination of significant errors and omissions in the criminal law.


Key Words: deliberate causing of heavy harm to health, qualification, delimitation of crimes with adjacent structures, crime




Melnikova Anna


Read the Article: 

Mitigating Circu-mstances in Adminis-trative and Tax Law


This paper analyses the problems of administrative and tax penalties in the presence of extenuating circumstances. The study of law enforcement practice on the appointment of administrative penalties indicates the presence of some flaws. Analysed the place of such circumstances in the appointment of appropriate penalties by the court or other authorized body. The features are considered in the practical application of these norms. The problematic issues that hinder the effective implementation of the application of mitigating circumstances are noted. The author also mentions that in order for them to be taken into account by the court or another competent authority, certain conditions must be met. Also in the study a comparative analysis of similar articles of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation and the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is carried out. There are examples of the application of circumstances that mitigate responsibility, which are often found in practice in sentencing   



Key words:  administrative responsibility, tax liability, offenсes, crimes..






Nikulina Sofiya


Stepanova Kristina


Read the Article:

Problems of Recog-nition of a Legal Person by a Subject of Crime: Foreign Experience and Prospects in the Russian Federation

  In this article, the authors analysed the foreign legislation in the field of criminal penalties for crimes committed by legal entities. The criminal codes and other acts of the Anglo-Saxon (UK, USA) and Romano-German (France, Germany) legal system, as well as the legal system of the Far East (China) were studied. The authors considered the main arguments for and against the introduction of criminal liability of legal entities, studied the opinions of Russian lawyers and judicial practice on this issue. Based on the study, it was concluded that it is inappropriate to recognize a legal entity as a subject of a crime. It is also necessary to tighten the sanctions of civil and administrative legislation and improve procedural rules, taking into account the experience of foreign countries.


Key words: perpetrator, legal entity, crime, criminal liability, types of punishments.




Obmoina Alevtina


Papikyan Araksiya


Papikyan Tatevik


Read the Article: 

Food Traditions in the Abrahamic Faiths


This article deals with the problem of modern nutrition, as well as the culture of nutrition, prevailing in the Abrahamic religions. Nutritional issues are more or less present in all religions as elements of a cult. These are food prohibitions and restrictions (fasts), customs, traditions and other regulations. Most often prescriptions and bans organically fit into the system of already established culinary traditions. However, the influence of religion in General on the peculiarities of national cuisines is an indisputable and significant fact. This paper presents the permissible and prohibited food products; reflects the recommendations for methods of their culinary processing, as well as the existing restrictions in food during fasting, taking into account religion.   



Key words: religion, food, food safety, halal, kosher, fasting.







Obmoina Alevtina


Papikyan Araksiya


Papikyan Tatevik


Read the Article:

Some Philosophical Aspects of Nutrition


  Conventionally, a person can be represented as an union of two principles—physical and spiritual. Both components need to be powered. However, what is the relationship between that two needs? Is not spirituality impaired in its development due to the exaltation of the body’s need for food? We live in an era of great food abundance. High availability, advertising, variety of food products put a person in an emotional dependence on eating. Physical food is given a high position in the thoughts of a person, a position that should be rightfully occupied by reflections on the knowledge of oneself and the world around us, reflections on the formation of oneself as an emotionally mature person, who is going beyond one’s own narrow interests. This article analyses the impact of food and its consumption on the spiritual development of man and describes one of the possible ways to reduce this impact.


Key Words: spirituality, needs, spiritual formation, nutrition, physical food, spiritual food.




Pogorelov Nikolay


Read the Article: 

Topical Issues of Qualifying a Terrorist Act


At present, terrorism is a factor of global importance, which has to be considered by any government. The degree of his threat is constantly increasing. The executors and organizers apply new technologies and improve the preparation of terrorist acts, in addition, they are in their hands the levers of ideological, informational and financial influence. One of the factors contributing to the development of terrorism is the Internet. With its help, representatives of young people are involved in terrorist activities, which can not but cause concern among the authorities. In the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020, the goals are to protect the foundations of the constitutional order, preserve peace and stability by improving the work of the law enforcement system to detect and suppress acts of terrorism. The terrorist threat in the Russian Federation continues to persist today, and the magnitude of such consequences is always significant.   



Key words:  terrorist act, qualification, law enforcer, set of crimes, corpus delicti.






Porozhnyak Maya


Read the Article:

The Main Features of the Mechanism of Implementation of the Norms of Direct Application in the Russian Federation and in Foreign Countries

  At present, the need to apply super-imperative norms is increasingly recognized by the international community, which is reflected in the inclusion of this category of norms in national acts of various states, as well as in international treaties. At the same time, the application of super-imperative norms raises many questions that require consideration: the scope of application, the reciprocal of the force of super-imperative norms, the relationship of such norms with the norms of international treaties. In addition, the article discusses the issue of interaction between collisional and imperative norms, and also highlights two criteria according to which the norms can be attributed to hyperimperative ones. Special attention is paid to the differences between superamptive norms and public order. The author comes to the conclusion that the use of superamptive norms has significant features compared to the use of other categories of norms. It is concluded that the decision on the application of such norms depends on which category the corresponding supereperative norm belongs to. The author notes that a negative impact on law enforcement practice also has a lack of legislative consolidation of signs and the concept of progressive norms.


Key words:  imperative norms, international agreement, public policy, conflict of laws rule, autonomy of the will of the parties




Prilipko Andrey


Sukhoverov Konstantin 


Read the Article: 

Administrative Precedent in the System of Sources of Administrative Law: Problems of Theory and Practice

In this paper, the authors examined the main theoretical problems of recognizing administrative precedent as a source of law with a system of sources of administrative law. The problem of defining the concept and essence of administrative precedent as a source of law was considered. During the study of this topic, the relation of administrative precedent to special law cases, which have a structure of atypical regulatory prescriptions, which in their structure contain elements of the legal norm, and also contains the essence of the solution of the specific situation on which the action and creation of this administrative precedent and directed. The fact of the integration of administrative precedents into the practice of law enforcement by authorized state bodies and citizens was established   



Key words: administrative law, administrative precedent, source of law, sources of administrative law, law enforcement practice.






Prilipko Andrey


Sukhoverov Konstantin


 Read the Article: 

On the Principles of the Administrative Process

  This paper examined the key principles of the administrative process. In the course of the work, a classical classification of the principles of the administrative process was used, namely, the division into general and special groups of principles. There were analysed such basic principles of the administrative process as the principle of procedural equality, the principle of legality, the principle of competence. A number of basic special principles of the administrative process, which determine the nature and specifics of the administrative process, are considered. In this regard, the principle of economy and speed, which clearly characterizes certain advantages of the administrative process, was highlighted, in this context it was also noted that efficiency and speed should not contradict the interests of the essence of a particular case, and should not be factors that affect the adoption reasonable decision


Key Words: administrative law, administrative process, principle of legality, principle of economy and speed




Repukhovа Darya


Read the Article: 

The Difference Between the Object of a Crime and the Means and Instrument of a Crime

The author of this article draws attention to the need to distinguish the object of crime from the means and instruments of crime. For this, the article provides an analysis of the opinions of various scientists, which showed that at the moment there is no common understanding of the object, means and tools of crime, this is the relevance of the topic chosen by the author. The article notes that information can act both as an instrument of crime, and as a means of committing a crime, and as the object of a crime. The article also provides court practice regarding the correct definition of the object, instrument and means of crime. In the end, the author asks not to neglect the value of the object, instrument and means of crime, since taking into account these signs of the objective side of the crime helps to correctly and fairly set the punishment for the committed criminal act, taking into account all aggravating and mitigating circumstances.   



Key words: object of a crime, instrument of a crime, means of a crime.






Saakyan Mariya


Read the Article:

On the Issue of Some Problems of Actual Land Use

  The article is intended to study in more detail the main problematic aspects of actual land use. The historical aspect of actual land use is considered. The question of the legal consolidation of actual land use is raised. The characteristic of the actual land plot is given, and also persons who can actually use the land plots are indicated. The main reasons for evading the legal registration of land plots are considered. Attention is paid to such a problem as proof of land ownership. Ways of recognizing individuals as actual land users are analyzed. The characteristic is given to the concept of acquisitive prescription and the conditions for obtaining such a right are indicated. The author also raises the question of the use of land together with located on it the object of real estate. Also in the article made proposals for the modernization of legislation in this part.


Key words: actual land use, acquisitive prescription, land ownership, actual land users.



  Starodubtseva Nataliya 


Read the Article: 

Controversial Issues in the Field of Property Law in the Current Legislation of the Russian Federation
The article touches upon the review of the category of property rights, the concept of property rights and its varieties. The rights of the owner and persons with the rights to dispose and use the property are covered. A list of limited real rights, approved by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Certain types of rights are considered, in the law, not called directly limited property rights, but close to this category in nature and content. The author calls them controversial and offers a more detailed study of their nature for their categorization or non-categorization as property rights. In conclusion, the author proposes ways of reform for the construction of a complete system of civil law in the field of property rights with a broader list of limited property rights.   



Key words:real rights, property, use, disposal, property, encumbrance.






Stepanova Kristina


Shcherban Ilya


Read the Article:

The Problem of Responsibility for Illegal Crossing of the State Border of the Russian Federation

  This article analyses the liability provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation for illegal border crossing of the Russian Federation. In Russia, a person is criminally liable for this act, although there is a similar offence for which there is administrative responsibility. This situation raises a problem, the essence of which is that criminal liability for this act is too serious a punishment. Ways to address this gap in the legislation were set out in the work. Migration is a very important part of the life of the whole society. For many years, cooperation in the field of foreign policy on migration has been carried out in all countries of the world. It should be noted that in compliance with the provisions of the legislation on crossing the state border, this sphere has a positive impact on the international relations of specific countries.


Key words: state border of the Russian Federation, crime, administrative offence, prejudice.




Сheburakhina Aleksandra 


Read the Article:

Rational Use of Chemical Fertilizers

The article is devoted to the subject connected with rational use of chemical fertilizers. Special attention in the article is paid to the main problems of irrational use of chemical fertilizers, in particular lack of the accurate system allowing to estimate degree of security of the soil with necessary elements, low extent of introduction of the progressive agrotechnical and crop receptions directed to effective processing of the soil, melioration, improvement of the technology of cultivation of cultures. The article also presents possible solutions of the specified problems, in particular development of the system of short-term and long-term detailed planning of fertilizers taking into account suitable doses, terms and ways of introduction of chemical fertilizers taking into account specific biological features of the cultivated cultures are offered.   



Key words: fertilizer, chemical fertilizers, fertility of the soil, agriculture, productivity, the ecological mode, agrochemical receptions, melioration





Chuyako Aytech


Read the Article:

On the Issue of Civil Liability Features of the Managing Organization Operating in the Housing and Utilities Sector

  This paper discusses various aspects related to the civil liability of a managing organization in the housing and utilities sector. Considered various theoretical foundations of civil liability of the managing organization in the field of housing and utilities. Different doctrinal points of view regarding the development of the institution of civil liability of the managing organization that manages the apartment building were analysed. At the end of the work, it was concluded that the institution of responsibility of the managing organization is a complex of protection and control over the actions of the managing organization by other legal entities that arise in the process of implementing the activities of the managing organization. In the course of the work, various positions of the authors on this topic were also considered; a brief analysis of these author positions was also given


Key words: managing organization in the sphere of housing and utilities sector, civil liability, form of guilt




Shcherban Ilya


Read the Article:

The Problem of Pre-vention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinqu-ency in Krasnodar Krai

This article discusses the problem, in the author’s opinion, is the need for more thorough and effective prevention of neglect and offenses of persons under 18 in Krasnodar Krai. It should be noted that for the solution of this problem requires the intervention of the state, local authorities, officials, and ordinary citizens, because only through their close cooperation positive results in the prevention of neglect and offences of minors in Krasnodar Krai can be achieved. This problem is actual today as violation of the legislation in this sphere happens quite often.   



Key words: minor, administrative responsibility, neglect