About the Journal

    About the Journal

    Access: all issues of the journal are in open access.

    Subject area: economic, legal, philosophical sciences

    Periodicity: 1–4 issues per two months.

    Articles per issue: 10–35 articles of any length per one issue. Contest-based issues may contain more than 35 articles.

    Working languages: the main languages of the journal are Russian and English.

    The list of additional languages in which the articles may be written:
    Albanian, Armenian, Byelorussian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Kazakh, Lettish, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Norwegian (Bokmål and Nynorsk), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian.

    An article may be published in one of these languages if the author provides the translation of the title, the abstract, the key words, and the references in English and the translation of the article itself in English or Russian. The author takes the responsibility for the quality of the translation and its equivalence to the original text. We may provide the translation of the articles written in German, French, or Italian but reserve the right to refuse to make a translation without any further explanation. The cost of the translation should be discussed individually.

    Our goals:
    • to form a common space where scientists from different countries may share their knowledge;
    • to conditions for quick and convenient publication of research results;
    • to make scientific activity open and accessible to all the people interested in science.

    Our tasks:
    • to cooperate with scientists occupied in various fields of knowledge;
    • to give all interested people an opportunity to publish the results of their research;
    • to hold conferences and contests which cover certain scientific issues;
    • to establish interregional and international exchange of knowledge.

    The journal is added to the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI or RISC, Russian: РИНЦ), a bibliographic database created by the Scientific Electronic Library (http://elibrary.ru).



    International standards for editors:

    • Editors are accountable and should take responsibility for everything they publish.
    • Editors should make fair and unbiased decisions independent from commercial consideration and ensure a fair and appropriate peer review process.
    • Editors should adopt editorial policies that encourage maximum transparency and complete, honest reporting.
    • Editors should guard the integrity of the published record by issuing corrections and retractions when needed and pursuing suspected or alleged research and publication misconduct.
    • Editors should pursue reviewer and editorial misconduct.
    • Editors should critically assess the ethical conduct of studies in humans and animals.
    • Peer reviewers and authors should be told what is expected of them.
    • Editors should have appropriate policies in place for handling editorial conflicts of interest.


    Full texts of these guidelines are available on our site (http://polymathis.ru/en/ethics) and on the site of COPE (http://publicationethics.org).


    Order and Terms of Publication

    To publish an article in our journal, you may use the request form on our site (http://polymathis.ru/en/request) or send us a letter by e-mail (Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.) with the title Publication Request. The letter should provide the following information:

    1. Your (first) name and surname (last name).
      2. The language in which the article should be published (English or other).
      3. Peer review (external or internal).

    The file containing the article and the file containing the review (in case of internal review) should be attached to the letter.

    We would be glad if you also tell us about your experience and achievements in science (number of publications, your most prominent works etc.) and attach your photo so that we could make your profile page on our site.

    It would take several working days to examine your request. Then we will contact you to inform you whether the article is accepted for the publication or not. If it is accepted, we will discuss with you payment details, otherwise, we will tell you the reason why it is rejected. In case the article is rejected because of certain defects, the article may be accepted after revising the text.

    Please take notice that the author (or the co-author) cannot review their own article. The review, both external and internal, is open. The editorial staff saves the right not to publish an article which has received a negative review. The reviews are kept in the editorial office permanently and may be sent to the authors on demand.

    Before publication, the submitted articles are checked for potential plagiarism. Minimum acceptable percent of text originality is 55, but the editorial board makes the final decision whether to accept the article or to reject it due to low originality regardless of the check results.

    The authors are responsible for article content. The point of view expressed in the articles is the authors' personal point of view and may differ from the editorial staff's opinion.

    Article Formatting

    The article to be published should contain the following elements:

    1. UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) code.
      2. The information about the author:
      a) surname (last name) and (first) name, academic degree, academic rank;
      b) full official name of the author’s institution, town/city, and country. The author's office may be stated as well;
      c) e-mail address;
      d) scientific database IDs (if available).
      3. An abstract (100–150 words).
      4. Key words.
      5. References.

    We use APA standard (the 6th edition) for the list of references. You may create proper references either manually by following the relevant guidelines (https://www.usq.edu.au/library/referencing/apa-referencing-guide) or automatically by using this online generator: https://www.usq.edu.au/library/referencing/apa-referencing-guide.

    The full formatting requirements and an example of a properly formatted article (filled with placeholder text) are available on our site (http://polymathis.ru/en/format

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